Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Working on compiling useful web statistics for my sites. Info such as page views, number of visits and referrers can give a real insight into the two crucial bits of information about your site. How your site is being used and how people are finding you.

Are you paying an expensive subscription to a business listing site? If so, you need to know exactly how much traffic they are driving to your site. If that's not much at all then you can question the value of their service to your business.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Got a prospective new client with a requirement for some self management. Looking at drupal again as a possibility for a CMS due to its ease of use.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Exporting a psd to pdf for print

Been updating the business card design for Sarah Bowden at smart-temp. I created the original photoshop psd as portrait document 6.1cm by 9.1cm standard business card size. To get the required printing resolution that needs to be at 944.882 pixels per cm (or 2400 pixels per inch in old money).

In photoshop cs2 I then selected Print with preview and selected the following options.

Then click page setup and then printer. In the printer box choose adobe pdf as the printer tne then click properties.

In the Adobe PDF settings tab choose High Quality Print as the default settings. And away you go.

(Images for this to follow soon!)

Friday, September 4, 2009


Still waiting on feedback on my latest sites before I can proceed. In the meantime, enjoy some Duffy

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Good clean fun!

I've been working on another project for a Newport based accountancy firm. I've gone for a very clean design on a white background. Still a work in progress so some of the content doesn't match (I copied it from this site) but you can get the idea. http://root.sjinfosystems.co.uk/oneonone